Resetting Your Brava Account Password

If you find yourself trying to sign-in to your Brava account and you can't seem to remember your password, do not worry! To reset your Brava password, please follow the steps below. 

You can reset your password 1 of 3 ways: 
  1. Via the Brava website
  2. Via the Brava Home mobile application 
  3. Via the Brava 

1. Brava Website

Go to and click on the sign-in option on the top right of the screen:



Then click on the "Reset Password" button 


Then, follow the prompts to reset your password. We will send you a link where you will be able to reset your Brava account password. 




2. Via the Brava home application 

For Apple Users: Download the "Brava Home" iOS app from the Apple App Store 

For Android Users: Download the "Brava Home" app from the Google Play Store 

Go to the Brava Home Application and sign out of your account. 


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Then, click on getting started. Next, click on the forgot password button. 

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Finally, enter your email address to receive a password reset link. 


3. Via the Brava Oven 

First, navigate to the settings button on the Brava. If you're on the home screen, swipe left with your finger and you'll see the Settings button. 


Then, scroll down to click on Brava Account.  


If your Brava is signed-in to your Brava account, click on the "Sign Out" button. Then you will see the screen represented below. Click on "Forgot Password?".  


Enter your email address and click "Submit". You can input your Brava account email address and a reset password email will be sent to your inbox. 


If you have any questions during this process or if you want our Customer Success team to send you a password reset link, contact them by emailing or calling 855-276-6767. 

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