Slow Cook


To make delicious ribs, pot roast, etc., use the Slow Cook function.  The Brava Slow Cook function works well for most slow cooker and Crock-Pot recipes.

Slow Cook Step-by-Step

SlowCookLow.png Select Low or High temperature setting. Low setting is ~200F; high settings is ~300F.
SlowCook12H.png Click on the 2nd icon on the bottom row to set cook time.  Put your fingertip on the hour/min number, swipe up or down to change the time.
SlowCookChefsPan.png Click on the 3rd icon to see cookware setup.  Chef's Pan is ideal for slow cook; however, you can use other cookware as well. Note: see what non-Brava cookware can be used in the Brava.  You need to set non-Brava cookware on top of a Brava metal or glass tray when cooking.
slowcook.png Review your preferences before you start your cook. 
Booklet.png Click the top right booklet icon on your Slow Cook screen to see general Slow Cook guidelines and information.


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