Testing the Brava Lamps

If your food is suddenly cooking unevenly or is undercooked in certain zones, one of your lamps may out. Use this guide to troubleshoot your Brava to see which lamp or lamps may require further attention from one of our Brava technicians. 


How to Determine Which Lamps Need to Be Tested

If the top of your food is not cooking as expected, one of the top lamps may be out. If you notice any issue with the bottom of your food not cooking properly, take a look at the bottom lamps.

Visual Test

If you believe one of your lamps is not turning on, first proceed to do a visual test. A great first step is to observe the lamps you believe are not turning on by opening the door and looking at the lamps (you can flash a flashlight on the lamps to get a better view).

Look for any breakage.  If there is no obvious physical damage, compare the lamp that is in question to the rest of the lamps in the Brava and see if they are noticeably discolored, cloudy, or completely dark.  If possible, take a photo of the lamp and email a picture to hello@brava.com

Procedures to Test Brava Lamps

Below are two ways to conduct a lamp test to confirm if a lamp needs to replaced.

1. The Clean Lamp Function

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From the Brava home screen, swipe left and navigate to Settings.  Under Settings, click on Utilities. 
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Within Utilities, locate the "Clean Lamps" options. Follow the on-screen prompts to start the program.

Make sure the inside of your Brava is empty.  Click the green start button on your Brava

The lamp cleaning procedure will turn on one lamp at a time for one minute each.  Using the onscreen camera, you will see the oven goes completely dark for one minute if one of the lamps is working. 

NOTE:  Once the lamp cleaning cycle is complete, inform the Brava Customer Success agent you are working with and they will look at the oven data to determine if one of the lamps is in need of repair.

2. Using the Sear Function

The Sear function is the quickest test if you know which lamp is questionable, or at least if it's a top lamp or bottom lamp.  

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From the home screen, click on the sear function.  Use the plus/minus buttons to select the zone(s) that correspond to the lamp in question. Select Top Sear or Bottom Sear depending on location of the lamp you are testing. 
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The next screen will tell you where to place the metal tray. Since we are testing the Brava lamps, keep the Brava empty and do not place anything inside!

Lastly, set the timer to 30 seconds if you are testing just one lamp. If you are testing more than 1 lamp at the same time, please add 30 seconds per lamp.  Then start Sear and use camera to monitor the lamps.

What If Your Lamp Doesn't Turn On?

Conducting these tests are very helpful in identifying which lamp needs to be repaired. If your Brava has non-functioning lamps, please contact Brava Customer Success at hello@brava.com to have them repaired.

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